Monday, March 1, 2010

Avatar Movie Review

Saw this was on the list and BOY do I wanna write a sentence or two about it.

Where should I start? The breath taking graphics? The epic music? The grade A actors? How about the horrible been-done-to-death clique ridden, stereotyping, racist, anti-military storyline? Oh? You want to hear about that? Ok, let's begin.

If you've ever seen any Indian movie (dances with wolves), or something like it (fern gully anyone?) be prepared for the same story, white men come, they want something from the land/want land, they see natives, natives see them, at first nice, then fighting, then there's a white guy who falls for the Indian T&A, and decides he is one of them/thinks he is one of them and tries to/saves girlfriend from bad redneck white guys that he used to hang with but never could get along with because he's so deep and handsome and they are ugly and violent wife beaters we all hate.

Cameron pulls the same strings as Titanic and then some, some of the oldest things in the book. Make the audience hate the villain, pull their heart strings, insert love story. After they make love, something horrible happens that puts the world chaos. Need I say more? Also, the anti-military, anti-technology, evil white guys, message is shoved down our throats throughout the whole film. Even though we have come so far in the film technology wise we are still horrible pillaging idiots that want nothing more then to take whatever we see like a small child? This is insulting, not only to modern day Americans but also to our military folk.

The whole movie was focused on one thing. Cool graphics and big explosions. They spent the whole time developing this when they should have been working harder on the plot and the 1 dimensional characters that were still at square one. Cameron did a great job making a movie that looked great and creating aliens that star war nerds everywhere would want to tap, but the story, stereotypical bad guys/ good guys and laughable dialogue made this movie the soul example of how Hollywood continues to move in the wrong direction.

Also, not awesome animation, but the idea is great:

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